An important topic that doesn’t involve many of us: Carrying a child with Down syndrome. As parents are we allowed to carry our baby?

A special bond for special people: closeness and safety, trust and warmth. Every child will benefit from that. Next to these basic characteristics carrying also has therapeutic side effects in your situation. From the very beginning your child will accompany you at eye level; you can easily take your child everywhere. It can either explore the world from the safe body of their parents or just snuggle up with them to stay away from too many irritations. This also helps to prevent unwanted looks from strangers in certain situations.
The often hypotonic body is being supported in the baby wrap. This assists the mental and physical development of your baby. The sense of balance will be trained: This sense responds to the movements of your body which helps your baby to learn independent movements and its own mobility like crawling and walking.
Which carry methods and which carriers are the best?
Tie the babywrap very close to your body so that your baby can feel you as well as itself. Choose the wrapping method that suits you best. Like with every other child this can be very individual. We recommend you to choose a woven babywrap, since the cross stretch will make wrapping easier for you. A fanned out wrapping method e.g. the Wrap-Cross-Carry can be helpful in your situation. You should also try to carry your child on the hip or on the back.
Hint: Tying an extra layer underneath the child’s feet can support building up the leg muscles. Depending on the age of your child it will be able to place its feet on the layer and build pressure by itself. If you don’t feel confident enough for a baby wrap, you should have a look at our Fidella Fly Tai. The straps will furthermore support your baby’s torso. But also other carries like our Fusion can be used.
An experienced carry consultant will assist you at the beginning.
Spread-Squat Position
Because of the naturally wide spreading legs a popular rumor sadly talks about the damage that the spread-squad position could cause for your baby. But carrying in an anatomic correct way will exactly do the opposite. Your baby’s legs will be stabilized in the right position. In addition carrying your child supports the development of the hips and strengthens the weak muscle tone.
In general we recommend asking your therapist, preferably with the babywrap or carrier of your choice.
Accept the challenge. It’s worth it.