Answers how to use a baby wrap
- For what may I use a baby wrap?
- How many hours may I carry my child with a baby wrap?
- Up to which point of time may I carry my child with a baby wrap?
- Up to which maximum weight may I use the baby wrap?
- Which problems may occur?
- How may I make my baby used to the wrap?
- Why is my baby screaming inside the wrap? Doesn`t it like being carried?
- How do other peole carry their baby all over the world?
For what may I use a baby wrap?
To use a baby wrap for carrying children is a long tradition in several countries. So, mothers and fathers are more flexible and unrestricted in their activities. As a matter of priority mothers living in non-industrial states often carry their babies with baby wraps, because they don`t have the money for a kindergarden or a nanny. It is a routine having your baby besides you – during all private and professional activities.
You can even integrate your baby into your everyday life by using a baby wrap. The advantage of carrying a baby with a wrap in contrast to using a stroller or Maxi Cosi is that you intuitively know the needs of your child because of the intense mother-child bonding and the closeness of you both. Some mothers take their child to work inside a baby wrap. Maybe, you can also go to work with your baby in front of your belly or on your back – ask your company`s director!
You can use a baby wrap to take your child to a shopping trip, a walk in the park, to your friends` or relatives` house or even to the museum or an exhibition.
Even doing the chores is very simple while you carry your child close to your body. For that, you should choose back carrying binding techniques to avoid dangerous situations, e.g. during cooking or ironing. There are some mothers who renovated their house with a child on their back.
But, you should avoid dangerous situations while baby wearing, e.g. climbing up a ladder. For these activities you should lay down your child – or, still better, let your partner do these things for you.
How many hours may I carry my child with a wrap?
Theoretically, you can carry your child 24 hours inside a wrap. Your baby will show you if it doesn`t like being carried any longer. But please pay attention to the signals of your own body: Carrying a baby stresses your body due to the weight of your child. Use different methods of baby wearing techniques to relieve your body.
You should avoid long periods of baby carrying directly after birth or a C-section to relieve the pelvic floor or the C-section scar. After some time, you can expand the period of time carrying your child until it doesn`t like being carried any longer.
Carrying isn`t unhealthy for your baby`s back: The development of the spine takes ca. one year. Then, it is able to walk and stand unassisted. It is normal that your baby slumps down if you take it out of the stabilizing baby wrap up to this point of time. Orthopedists often advice you to vary in binding techniques during longer periods of baby wearing time to relieve the baby`s back.
Up to which point of time may I carry my child with a wrap?
Normally, your child decides the point of time when it likes to leave the wrap and doesn`t want to be carried any longer. You should pay attention to yourself and that your child doesn`t get too weighty for you before this point of time. If this is the fact, you should lay down the child at the right point of time to relieve your own body.
A baby wrap is a really good solution to be used with toddlers. If your child doesn`t want to walk any longer you can wrap it into your baby wrap to carry it for a while. This is very practical – e.g. when you are on a shopping trip with your friends.
Up to which maximum weight may I use the baby wrap?
The usage of your baby wrap depends on the material. Some wraps are usable up to a maximum weight of 9 kg (elastic baby wraps), others can be used up to a maximum weight of 15 kg.
Which problems may occur?
You should pay attention to what kind of baby wrap you are going to buy. It should be large enough for several binding techniques; it should hold the weight of your child and spread out its weight onto your body perfectly.
Often, wrapping beginners wrap their baby`s too loose with their baby wrap. So, the baby isn`t stabilized enough. This could lead to damage posture. Always wrap your baby tight to your body but elastic as well. The wrap should not snip into your baby`s skin. It is also advisable to dress your child with cloths which are one size larger than usual.
Always wrap your child in the ergonomical spread-squat-position to support its physical development: Your child should have its knees on your hip`s height – so, hip damages are avoided.
You should pay attention to a perfect stabilization of your baby`s head because it isn`t able to self-control it during the first months.
Always carry your child with its face to your front. So, your baby sits in the recommended position and its posture is correct automatically. Overstimulation is avoided as well in this sitting position. If you want your baby to see a little bit more of its surrounding you can carry it on your back or your hip.
There are several midwifes and certified carrying consultants in most towns. They can show you several correct binding methods and offer other important tips around baby wearing.
How may I make my baby used to the wrap?
You should start with baby wearing right from the beginning and before your baby gets familiar with a stroller or a Maxi Cosi. Carrying a baby is the natural way of transportation. The congenital reaction to squat its legs when being lifted-up makes it easier to wrap your child in the recommended spread-squat-position.
Normally, children don`t cry if they are carried with a wrap. As soon as it is interested in its surroundings, it also weans from the wrap automatically.
Why is my baby crying inside the wrap? Doesn`t it like being carried?
During the last centuries baby wearing faded into the background although wearing a baby with a wrap is the eldest form of transportation. Furthermore, the mother-child bonding is established as well.
If you child cries a lot inside your baby wrap you should get to the bottom of this behavior: Maybe you didn`t wrap your child comfortably. Maybe its behavior is only a reaction on the new situation. Start carrying for a short time and increase the time after a while. So, your baby gets familiar with the new situation.
But maybe your child has a blockade on its spine. In that case, you should consult a specialist.
It could also be, that your baby wants to see its surroundings. Use a different wrapping technique then, so that your child is able to regard its surroundings.
How do other people carry their babies all over the world?
Indian babies are carried with a "Cradleboard" or "Papoose" in North America. African mothers use “Kangas”, a large piece of cloth, to carry their babies on their back. Inuit use the hood of their parka, the “Amauti”, to carry their newborns in Greenland. The “Amauti” is made of common seal`s fur or of thick wool cloth. A very common baby back carrier is the Mei Tei, used in China and other Asian countries.
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