- For me that goes hand in hand
My name is Thérèse and I am a happy mother of a wonderful daughter and an freelance Kanga Trainer. Every day is a new challenge - And I will just go for it! My daily routine is certainly the same like many other moms. The marathon starts in the morning with getting my child ready for school and dropping her off. Afterwards I continue with my kanga training courses. Kanga is a special course where new moms meet up to get fit together with their babies. After that I take care of things that need to be done before picking up my child from school to enjoy the rest of the day as a family.
My life changed with the birth of my daughter Hannah in 2011. Suddenly I was a new mum and my life made a 180 degree turn. During my parental leave I was already thinking a lot about how to go back to work and what it can actually be. And then suddenly one day I stumbled across a newspaper article about "KANGATRAINING". At that time I would never have thought that I would become a part of all that.
At first I just wanted to get fit again after my pregnancy. Above all, I wanted my baby to take part when I am doing sports. Since my childhood I have been very passionate about sports and dancing. I could perfectly combine both with the KANGATRAINING! I could live my love for dancing in combination with the workout - without missing any quality time with my daughter.
We liked the training so much that I decided to do a trainee as a kanga trainer with the founder Nicole Pascher in Vienna in 2013. The first big step was taken. Another important reason for the kanga training was that I could work as much as I want, so there is enough time for my family.
I also completed my training as a carrying consultant at the ClauWi carrying school. In addition, I also received further training in prenatal education. At this Prekanga-courses pregnant women can also keep their selves fit for childbirth and the time after it. You never get bored in the Kanga world and I already have a new project: Soon we will continue with "Kangakids". What exactly does that mean? - Let us surprise you!
It is still important to me to be able to help my course participants and parents with private carrying advice on the subject of "How and with what carrier do I carry my baby right". Back then, I would have liked to have had a carrying consultation in this carrying jungle. There are so many different companies, but in the end it's like buying shoes: "the shoe" must fit mummy, daddy AND baby pleasantly at the same time. It can sometimes be difficult to see through.
It makes me happy when I see how the moms in my kanga training carry their babies close to their hearts in a carrier or a babywrap- They stay fit and strengthen themselves with fun in movement. The babies enjoy feeling the closeness and falling asleep at mummy's heart.
I have been a successful pre- & postnatal kangaroo trainer in Berlin for 6 years now and I am also the team leader for Berlin, Brandenburg and Mecklenburg Vorpommern. My team is growing from year to year and I am happy that more and more mothers are taking this step and building up an existence that is compatible with the family.
I am very happy about how my way developed after the pregnancy.